Closer than a brother

What quality do you value most in a friend?

I have been blessed with some very close friends. I have Vasim, who is my local friend. We treat each other like brothers.

He’s supportive and kind and always offers practical help. But he’s human. He’s not always available and sometimes he lets me down. (More often than not it’s the other way around.)

But there is one friend that is constant, always there and available. He also happens to be the Son of God. Talk about having friends in high places.

John 15:15 talks about being friends with Jesus.

We can know him as our rock, our comfort and our help. He cares for as and is always with us. Furthermore, he saved us from death and has given us eternal life.

So, self-sacrificial, humble, unconditional love is the quality I most value in a friend. And only Jesus has it.

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I’m Justin Marsh

Welcome to Secret Missionary, the blog where missionary life is anything but boring! I’m Justin Marsh. That’s not actually my real name. It’s been changed to hide my identity.

I’m here to share the hilarious, the embarrassing, and the downright surprising moments from my adventures on the mission field. This is a fun, safe space where you can laugh at my mishaps, enjoy some funny anecdotes, and pick up a bit of theological insight along the way. Whether you’re here for a good laugh or a fresh perspective, join me on this crazy journey and discover the hidden side of missionary life!

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