
All the posts about being a leader, especially in cross-cultural contexts.

  • Orientation to Time

    Orientation to Time

    If you haven’t done the cultural preferences quiz, do it now! This post explains the statements in part 1 of the quiz. There are various ways cultures see time. These often overlap with other cultural values and whether time is seen as a resource or whether it is something outside of our control. Part 1…

  • The Humble Battle: 1 Peter 5

    1 Peter 5 provides insights on what it is to be humble but also to be ready to fight the devil. Humble leaders and humble people Peter reminds us of the need for humility. He directs this both to the leaders and to the flock. The leaders are to be humble shepherds, gently guiding them. They…

  • Cultural Preferences Quiz

    Cultural Preferences Quiz

    I work in an extremely intercultural team. There are about 11 nationalities and the team is only about 22 people. That’s a wide level of diversity. This provides a lot of interesting dynamics and sometimes conflicts arise. I’ve also done a MA which looks at leadership in cross-cultural settings. This topic is really fascinating to…

  • Make the Most of Every Opportunity: Two Cultural Perspectives

    Make the Most of Every Opportunity: Two Cultural Perspectives

    One of the best things about serving in a different country and in a multicultural team is the way it opens your eyes to different perspectives. One good example was how to interpret Ephesians 5:15–16. Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the…

  • We Are The Research

    We Are The Research

    A few months ago, I was asked by a new member of my team, “Where is the research and reading that you’ve done for this?” They also noted that a lot of the statistics I had cited were quite old and asked for more recent data on the work we’re doing. I told them for…

I’m Justin Marsh

Welcome to Secret Missionary, the blog where missionary life is anything but boring! I’m Justin Marsh. That’s not actually my real name. It’s been changed to hide my identity.

I’m here to share the hilarious, the embarrassing, and the downright surprising moments from my adventures on the mission field. This is a fun, safe space where you can laugh at my mishaps, enjoy some funny anecdotes, and pick up a bit of theological insight along the way. Whether you’re here for a good laugh or a fresh perspective, join me on this crazy journey and discover the hidden side of missionary life!

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